2020 was the year of ‘rona, but 2021 could be another year plagued with a new ailment that’s apparently on the come up … “super gonorrhea,” which is getting a COVID assist.

The World Health Organization (WHO) told the Sun a mutant, more powerful strain of the burning STD is spreading worldwide … partly because of the pandemic, which has gotten more people on drugs and antibiotics — plus, limited their access to healthcare.

The WHO rep says, “Overuse of antibiotics in the community can fuel the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in gonorrhea. Azithromycin — a common antibiotic for treating respiratory infections — was used for Covid-19 treatment earlier in the epidemic.

This is true … in the early days of the virus, docs and hospitals were prescribing azithromycin, thinking it could help ward off problems caused by COVID — but the therapeutic has recently been debunked as mostly ineffective.

There’s more though … the WHO rep goes on to explain STI services have been severely curtailed due to shutdowns and all … and because of this a lot of people have gone undiagnosed and untreated, which could have led to super gonorrhea spreading.

So, what’s the solution??? A few things, according to medical experts … new treatments for one, less prescribing of antibiotics unless necessary, and maybe more protection during sex.

Source: TMZ