Assimi Goita, a colonel who has led two military coups in Mali, was on Friday declared the country's president. MICHELE CATTANI AFP/Archivos

The African Union has suspended Mali’s membership and threatened sanctions in response to last week’s military coup.

Interim President Bah Ndaw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane were detained and pressured to resign in a move that derailed a transition to democratic elections after a coup last August toppled the previous administration.

Former vice president Assimi Goita, a colonel who led both coups, was declared president on Friday.

In a statement the AU’s Peace and Security Council said Mali’s suspension – effective immediately – would remain until “normal constitutional order has been restored”.

Failing “an unimpeded, transparent and swift return to the civilian-led transition”, the council said targeted would follow.

French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned the arrest of the interim leaders, describing it as “a coup within a coup”.

There are fears the latest revolt will jeopardise a commitment to hold a presidential elections in February, and undermine a regional fight against Islamist extremists.

On Monday west African leaders suspended Mali from the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas), but stopped short of imposing sanctions.

The UN Security Council was to hold an emergency meeting Wednesday at the request of former colonial power France and others.

Source: RFI