Ooh God of all creations; thy name be glorified; I’m kneeling before Thee Almighty God seeking your mercy and amazing grace today.
I am firstly humbled to thank you for all you have done to date. As a Writer; dear God, keep blessing my pen and fill it with enough ink and help all my publishers collect their sales honestly and happily so that in turn I may also get my fair royalties!
As a Journalist, bless my network so that I remain informed and well connected to keep my audience informed and free from fake news.
As a retired professor, I know professors never die as Fry said, so God talk to all the people I humbly served and inspire and remind those senior Officials you made big and lead and I so much owe respect to honour their pledges and promises to me.
As I continue toasting my old yet young age, let me finish with all my comrades behind me setting up my Kiswahili Library in Rwanda, keep promoting and sharing my hard experience with younger ones and as COVID seems to be threatening and stigmatising nearly everyone, God use your mighty and heavy arm to annihilate it.
For those who owe me my little due and promises, bless them so that they may honour their words while they still alive and aware.
Merciful Lord, hear my prayer and if I must die, let me nobly and joyously die as your loyal and honest servant.
Eternal master; I need you today, come and stay, till the end of my way, may thy word be final! Amen.
Authored by Prof Malonga Pacifique, Umwana w’Umutambyi. Email: becos1@yahoo.fr